Friday, February 4, 2011

bulk sneak peek

Things have been busy, busy, busy and the blog has been severely neglected. My apologies to anyone still checking after this very (VERY) long break. I am wading through the fun and excitement of a complete re-brand and a new website (oh yes...and 2 energetic kids who are ready for Spring). It really has been fun and exciting though. When I started Milestones I knew that I wanted to take a few years and really find my brand before I put a lot of energy into branding. But the time has come and while the process has been great it is almost finished. Almost. Or at least we are getting a lot closer than we were.
In the meantime here are some sneak peeks of a few of the wonderful families I have had the opportunity to meet, laugh, roar like a dragon and spin like a princess with recently.

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