Friday, September 23, 2011

winston-salem children's photography: william and kerry

I'm back! I know, it has been a long and lonely summer here at the blog. The great news is the summer, while long, was definitely not lonely! I met a ton of great families, funny kids and beautiful brides. Let's start catching up shall we?

It was great to see William and Kerry again and spend some time with the family. These boys are growing so fast. One of the things I love most about shooting families is seeing them again and again through the years - it was fun to see the relationship growing between these brothers. They are sweet, happy boys with an extra sprinkle of funny.

Stay tuned for more!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

happy mother's day.

Today we celebrated mom's. We sent flowers and signed cards. We ate breakfast in bed and let someone else cook dinner. We accepted mother's day wishes from kids and husbands and strangers at the grocery store.

Today I felt fully appreciated for my job as mom. I was loved and pampered and thanked. And while I appreciated the appreciation, I also feel the need to say thanks. To the two amazing kids who give me squeezy hugs, good night tisses (kisses) and tell me they love me bigger than the Saturn V rocket. To the husband who supports me and works beside me while we figure out this thing called parenting. I am sure I am one of a million mom's who feels this way today, but I am so lucky to have these kids, this family, to call my own.

Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, April 25, 2011

playground days.

I love slides and swings and the sound of my kids laughter in the wind. Even when the ground is a soggy mess and the slide ends in a puddle, a day at the playground is one of my favorite things.

Kinsley has started declaring her independence. First it was the big kid swings and now it has grown to include steps and slides and ladders. 'No No Mommy' she says with determination when I reach for her hand or offer help.

And while I will always cherish those moments when her little hand reaches for mine or she calls "Hep (help) Mommy - HEP!' the pride in her smile when she does it herself is great.

At almost 4 Xander is a crazy bundle of boy. Climbing everything in sight and more often than not finishing his climb by jumping off the top of whatever he has scaled.

He is silly and funny and makes me laugh a hundred times a day.

This past weekend, even though the ground was soggy and the paths ended in puddles I enjoyed a fabulous session with a very amusing 7 year old. Check back soon to meet him!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

winston-salem newborn photography: gloria

5 days old with eyes that reflect back her world. Her mom who loves her more than words. Her dad who will keep her safe forever. Her brother who will become her best friend. 5 days old and already loved so perfectly. Meet Gloria.

I couldn't believe it when Gloria went the entire session without so much as a snooze. She was wide awake and taking it all in with those beautiful eyes the entire time.

Where's sisters nose?

Thank you Mary and Peter for welcoming me in your home. Congratulations on the new addition!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

winston-salem children's photography: katelyn

I included some of my favorites from my recent session with Katelyn in the sneak peek but have more of this beautiful little girl to share. We spent a perfect January day at Wake Forest University where we got to play on the fabulous tree swings.

One of my favorite things about shooting kids is watching them grow and change from session to session. Katelyn has certainly been doing both. She just turned 4 and is a bundle of energy and laughter. She doesn't hesitate to roll in the grass, race to the next bench or climb up a brick wall but in the next moment is oohhing and awwing over the 'princess castle steps' at Reynolda Hall and twirling in dress up jewelry and high heels.

Little sister Cara was ready to join in the fun as well.

Especially when Mom brought out the dress up bag. I love little girls in Mom's heels!

What a great way to spend a sunny, warm January afternoon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

bulk sneak peek

Things have been busy, busy, busy and the blog has been severely neglected. My apologies to anyone still checking after this very (VERY) long break. I am wading through the fun and excitement of a complete re-brand and a new website (oh yes...and 2 energetic kids who are ready for Spring). It really has been fun and exciting though. When I started Milestones I knew that I wanted to take a few years and really find my brand before I put a lot of energy into branding. But the time has come and while the process has been great it is almost finished. Almost. Or at least we are getting a lot closer than we were.
In the meantime here are some sneak peeks of a few of the wonderful families I have had the opportunity to meet, laugh, roar like a dragon and spin like a princess with recently.