Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kinsley - 1 Week

It's hard to believe but Kinsley is one week old!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


We are settled in at home and everyone is doing well. Can't get enough of this little girl!

By popular request here are some images without the hat - she has a head full of Daddy's dark hair.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome Kinsley Redington!

Yesterday morning at 6:15am, when my water broke, the reality that a new baby was coming finally hit. After taking Xander to school, and stopping off at McDonald's for breakfast (What can I say? We were hungry!) we checked into Forsyth Medical Center. At 4:32pm Kinsley Redington finally joined us.

She is perfect - of course!

6lbs 5 oz - the exact same weight as her big brother. 20 inches long with a head fun of Jake's dark hair.

More photos to follow soon - it was a long, busy and exciting day yesterday. I'm looking forward to hugging Xander this morning and introducing him to his new sister!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Newborn: Kendall James

Saturday morning I got to spend some time with 5 week old Kendall James Fulk and family.

Kendall was sleeping so peacefully when I arrived.

He has the best big brother - such a great helper!

I loved the 'volume control' pacifier - so cute!

After Kendall got tired of me I took some shots of big brother Jared playing basketball. Get ready UNC!

Thanks to Lisa, Terry, Jared and Kendall for a fun morning!